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Name : Maggie
Age : 38
Location : Huntsville, AL
Occupation : Graduate student and teaching MAE100
Relationship Status : engaged
His name : Matt
His Age : 23
He's Currently : Pensacola, FL, Flight School
Branch : Marines
Anniversaries : Dating is March 8, Engaged is May 17
Kids, Currently : Nope
Current Mood : ok could be better...
Favorite Quote : Love the little things he does when he is with you.
Away Message : Class, Work, Class...
Number of posts : 1408
Join date : 2009-10-23

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PostSubject: How Do You Join?   How Do You Join? Icon_minitimeSun 27 Mar 2011, 1:59 pm

Here are some steps to help you get started with our wonderful forum.

1) At the top of the screen click on "Log In"
2) You can either
a) Use your Facebook account
b) Create an account
3) To create an account click on "::Register" below tieh "log in" button.

I hope this helps.

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